I really hope that by now all of you have heard of “Music for Relief Day” on February 19! If not, please scroll down the homepage and find out all about it and its Poster Challenge.
This day shouldn’t only be about the dollars, but also about the experience of philanthropy. I know most of my fellow LP fans for quite a while now, and many of you guys have volunteered for Music for Relief during a concert or an LPU Summit. All of you volunteers said afterwards how much fun it was.
For Music for Relief Day, I want you to tell me about your experience with volunteering for MfR – not a huge report, just a few lines (half a page maximum). Maybe you even experienced a special moment or you met a special person?
Please include the following information:
– your name
– where and when have you volunteered
– if possible: a photo of you volunteering
Send to: lpfancorner@gmail.com
All your stories will make a great post here, published on February 19 – Music for Relief Day!
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