37 thoughts on “(Updated with Message from Kai) After Heart Surgery: LPUer Kai Needs Your Well Wishes

  1. Sending many positive thoughts your and his way, dear.
    Wishing for the best, and may he have the best of recoveries.
    Stay strong! 🙂

  2. It’s so true what you said that LP and the LPU community give us so much help, no matter if we know each other or not, we’re truly like a family. So I hope with all my heart that he will get well soon, all of us will be sending him love from our homes. Hold on, the weight of the world will give you the strength to go <3

    – Orena

  3. Hello Kai! I wish an easy recovery and that you get well soon, I’ll praying for that to happen! Sending lots of love and hugs, stay strong <3!

  4. Kai Farter!
    Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery my friend.
    Hugs and Kisses
    BBB aka Boz Farter

  5. Och Kai 🙁 ich wünsch dir eine erfolgreiche problemlose Operation. Eine schnelle Genesung und ganz viel Energie um das durchzustehen! Ich schick dir ganz viel Stärke aus Berlin damit du dich gut erholst 😘💕

  6. Hey Kai,
    Even though we haven’t met yet — Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery and lots of love from San Francisco.

  7. Lieber Kai ich wünsche dir alles Gute. Es stehen so viele Menschen hinter dir und sind für dich da. Du bist jung und stark 💪 du schaffst das!!! Ich schicke dir einen ganz lieben Gruss und Umarmung 😘

  8. Dear Kai, I know that you’re strong and you have many amazing people in your life who care of you and support you and I trully believe that everything’s gonna be alright! I am sending you all the strength and positive energy to heal soon! And as a fellow LPUer I’d like to share a song of LP that always supports me in a tough moments: https://youtu.be/_SoVVNU3aKM All the best from Kyiv, Ukraine!

  9. Eh Kai das find isch aber nisch voll geiel eh oah. (bitte hier die Stimme verstellen)
    Wünsch dir alles Gute und einen reibungslosen Heilungsprozess, auf dass du schon bald wieder gute Laune haben kannst 🌞

  10. Hi Kai! Sending you loads of healing and positive vibes from SA! All the best for your recovery, stay strong, keep smiling, you’ve got this!! Amanda 😀

  11. Krapfen, ich wünsch dir eine schnelle Genesung und dass du bald wieder fit bist. Mir fehlen etwas die Worte. Wir brauchen dich alle noch ne ganz lange Zeit. Hab dich lieb <3

  12. Kai, #LPsoldiers got the hunger of a lion for life & the strength of the sun, so we, at #LPRomania are convinced that you’re gonna get well & recover soon, just in time for a new tour! 🙂

    All the best from Bucharest,

  13. Hola Kai!
    I wish you a speedy recovery!
    You are such a sweet Person and you have so many lovely people around you, which is so important!
    And we got your back as your extended LP Family!
    Be safe and take your time to fully recover!
    See ya soon! Big Hug Sandy

  14. Hey Kai, ich bin geschockt ich wwünsch dir alles erdenklich gute und die beste genesung! Wir brauchen dich alle noch!!!

  15. Matthew Seybold says:

    Hey Kai, haven’t talked to you in a while, I’ve been MIA from the LPU chats but I haven’t forgotten my favorite member of Random Cubes! I hope you have a speedy recovery buddy!

  16. So happy to hear you’re out of intensive care! LPUers are family and we lift you up in prayers! Derive strength from Linkin Park’s lyrics and family/friends’ love. Looking forward to more positive updates.