Vinicius Prudencio
Mar 12th, 2017 | written Vini
Reddit users AthesGiantsDrew and Almanu have found two very old CDs, Urban Network’s Rapology 13 and Rapology 14, containing unreleased Xero and Mike Shinoda songs! It’s worth noting that credit’s are given to Kenji, which…
Mar 2nd, 2017 | written Vini
Linkin Park have uploaded to their youtube channel a video of them preparing the Facebook Live Performance on February, 16th. Check it out: [su_box title=”Tradução Portuguesa” style=”glass” box_color=”#464e6b”] Os Linkin Park lançaram no canal de…
Feb 26th, 2017 | written Vini
The band has uploaded to their youtube channel a video of them having fun, while playing the new single “Heavy” in different styles. Joe has also posted a few clips on his Instagram. Kiiara can…
Feb 14th, 2017 | written Vini
Great news! Linkin Park have just released Clip #7 on This time, Chester is recording vocals for the upcoming single, “Heavy”. It is also confirmed the track will be released February, 16 at 7am Los…
Feb 13th, 2017 | written Vini
Clip #6 is up on In this video, the band is in the studio discussing ideas for a song. Joe suggests they could experiment with a female vocalist during the chorus. Watch it below:  …
Feb 10th, 2017 | written Vini
Linkin Park have just released clip #5 on In the video Mike is playing a few seconds of brand new music, while he explains how the drums should sound like and Rob records along the…