One of the most anticipated pop culture art shows of all-time will take place November 14th and 15th at Gallery1988 (West) in Los Angeles. Featuring top professional and emerging artists, the exhibit will be auctioned off in the name of Star Wars: Force for Change to benefit UNICEF Kid Power.

By Matt Taylor
The show features various artists coming together in rebellion against child hunger across the galaxies- and one of the rebels is Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park.
Alongside him are artists Aaron Jasinski, Alex Pardee, Andrew Degraff, Andrew Thompson, Andy Stattmiller, Anthony Petrie, Ashton Gallagher, Benjie Escobar, Bennett Slater, Brad Hill, Brandi Milne, Bruce White, Chris B. Murray, Clark Orr, Dan McCarthy, Dan Mumford, Danielle Murray, Dave Perillo, Dave Quiggle, DKNG, Eric Tan, JC Richard, Jeff Boyes, Jerkface, Joey Remmers, Joey Spiotto, Josh Keyes, Joshua Budich, Julian Callos, Justin Santora, Kelly McKernan, Ken Garduno, Kiersten Essenpreis, Kris Lewis, Kristin Tercek, Leontine Greenberg, Lola Gil, Lorraine Loots, Louis Perez, Marie Bergeron, Mark Englert, Matt Taylor, Meghan Stratman, N.C. Winters, Nan Lawson, Naoto Hattori, Nate Frizzell, Nathan Stapley, Nicole Gustafsson, Rich Kelly, Rob Prior, Robert Bowen, Roland Tamayo, Ruel Pascual, Sam Wolfe Connelly, Sarah Joncas, Scott C, Scott Listfield, Shannon Bonatakis, Stephen Andrade, Tom Whalen, Travis Louie and Veronica Fish.
Original pieces will be up for auction on eBay from 11/13-11/23, while prints of select originals will be available for purchase on eBay from 11/13-12/12. Sales benefit UNICEF Kid Power, an innovative new program that uses the world’s first Wearable-For-Good to get youth physically active to provide lifesaving, nutrition-rich food packets to kids in need around the world in the name of Star Wars: Force for Change.
“We could not be more excited to have been involved in this project for going on 3 years since our first meeting with Bad Robot about the possibility. We’ve now been a steering force on marketing campaigns for LOST, Breaking Bad and The Force Awakens, and to be able to involve charity in all three has been a dream come true. We hope to see you at this very special exhibit.”
May the force be with them in ending world hunger.
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