I honestly don’t know if requesting a band to play live in your country will work, but why not try? The Turkish Linkin Park fans have started a campaign to show Linkin Park – and also all the other agents involved in organizing a live show – that they want a Linkin Park show, something that the band has mentioned in the past as a good start to actually get the band to play in your country.
In my opinion, they are doing this the right way, by being organized, vocal (but not annoying!) and creative.
On August 9 you can all prove that all this “soldiers stick together”-talk isn’t just empty words, but that you’ll actually let actions speak, by supporting the Turkish soldiers with their campaign.
Here is what you have to do:
We want Link Park live in our country again! But we can’t do it without your help soldiers! So in 9 August Thursday we will try to trend the hashtag #TurkishSoldiersWantLinkinPark . Please help us because no matter your country, your language, race, religion we are all a big family…
We will tweet all day. You can say your fav. lp songs, why you love them or if they’ve been in your country before or whatever… just add the hashtag #TurkishSoldiersWantLinkinPark .
For more information you can contact me at
my twitter account :
or my facebook page:
And thank you for being such a great family…Facebook Event:
Here is the event’s trailer:
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