Adam Ruehmer
Marketing Manager/Linkin Park Fan Liaison 😉
Works with Linkin Park since February 11, 2008
Twitter: @heydudeimadam
Instagram: heydudeimadam
What’s the official name of your position? Can you give us some insight into your daily work?
My official position is “Marketing Manager” although I don’t really know how much I actually believe in titles. I wear lots of hats. My daily duties include running the LPU day-to-day, running all Linkin Park social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,, etc), and coming up with strategic marketing ideas for everything the band does. Anything the band/management/record label needs that has anything to do with Linkin Park’s social media profiles, they come to me. I’m also tasked with having my finger on the pulse of the LP fanbase. The whole LP team relies on me to know what’s going on in the fan community, how fans are reacting to things, and coming up with ideas to get the hardcore fans excited. I guess I’m kind of the Linkin Park Fan Liaison. There ya go… another title.
How long have you been a part of the Linkin Park Team and how did you get there?
My first day working for Linkin Park was February 11, 2008. I had graduated from college a month and a half earlier with a Bachelors degree in Music Business. I’d interned at multiple record labels over the years, managed a band, and did LOTS of work for anyone in the music industry that would allow me to help for free. By the time I graduated and moved to LA, I had a pretty decent resume. I saw that a company called Machine Shop was looking to hire an assistant, so I applied, and they offered me the job after a few interviews. Funny thing is, when I applied, I had no idea the company had anything to do with Linkin Park. I just saw it as an opportunity where someone actually wanted to PAY ME. When I was scheduled to come in for an interview, I did some research and learned of the Linkin Park connection which I thought was pretty cool. Like I said, I was hired as an assistant and worked really hard doing everything and anything anyone asked and trying to go above and beyond with my job. I was always the first to the office, and the last out. Slowly, I was given more duties. Eventually, I went from helping out with everything from LPU, to LPST, to all of the OTHER bands Machine Shop was working on, to ONLY working on Linkin Park stuff. It was a long, slow crawl to get to where I am now, but I worked really hard for it and it wasn’t easy. Brad always told me from day 1 that there is no ceiling with this band and if I worked hard I could do anything I wanted. I don’t know that i actually believed him at the time, but now that I’ve traveled the globe with his band, I have to say he’s a man of his word.
What is your greatest memory since working for Linkin Park? What’s the worst one?
I have a few greatest memories. ALL of the summits have been really great, especially the London summit. That was our first summit and the first time I ever traveled with the band. It was so cool to be with fans outside of LA and outside of the US. The entire A Thousand Suns release was also really great. That was the first album of theirs I was here for. It was probably the most stressed I’ve ever been, but it was so rewarding to be a part of it. Lastly, getting to go on tour has been incredible. As Sean said, the European tour this summer was BRUTAL. I’m not sure how an entire crew can survive on that little sleep, but we did. By the time we hit Moscow, we were zombies. That whole day is kind of a blur to me. That tour was great, though. The Honda Civic Tour this summer was also a really good time. I actually got to shower and sleep, so that made it much better!!
The worst memory is a situation I don’t really want to go too much into. All I’ll say is a couple of years ago, I screwed something up big time. It was a really bad day for me and I was at the lowest of all lows. However, at the end of the day, everyone on the LP team had my back and we all worked together to overcome it. So while it was a really awful day, it ended up also being kind of a cool day seeing how we could work together to fix it.
If you have anything to say to the Linkin Park fans, go ahead!
I think it’s cool that you guys take in interest in the people who work with the band. There are so many people that work really hard and sacrifice so much to work for this band. I think you guys would be pretty amazed if you knew how big the Linkin Park team actually was. I know when we have meeting with people or companies we’ve never dealt with before, they’re always shocked at how “with it” our team is. It’s pretty cool.
Adie: Thanks to Adam for this great interview! I think I’m speaking for all Linkin Park fans, when I say that we’d be pretty lost without him!
Here are some more pictures:

Roadie Adam got shamed by security for leaving his pass on the bus during the summer tour 2012 | Photo: Adam Ruehmer
sohail abbasi says:
We love you Adam,& I was really interested into the LP crew since the 1st day,you guys are so cool,I always say,we’ve the best crew in the world.& a best fan who is interviewing all of you one by one.thankyou
adiek84 says:
Thanks for all the nice comments! 🙂
sohail abbasi says:
waiting for more
sohail abbasi says:
We love you Adam,& I was really interested into the LP crew since the 1st day,you guys are so cool,I always say,we’ve the best crew in the world.& a best fan who is interviewing all of you one by one.thankyou
adiek84 says:
Thanks for all the nice comments! 🙂
sohail abbasi says:
waiting for more
Paul Kevin Gardiner says:
Adie, can you tell me who conducted this interview and where it was original published?
adiek84 says:
This is the original interview. I conducted it
Paul Kevin Gardiner says:
Adie, can you tell me who conducted this interview and where it was original published?
adiek84 says:
This is the original interview. I conducted it