Hello, My name is Samantha and I went to Carnivores :D!!!
Let me start off by saying I went to the production rehearsals 2 days before the big concert. Which was a really awesome experience, I got to meet them all, get a high five from Chester like two times, get two of Rob’s drum sticks and I got to see songs they didn’t play on the big concert like Given Up and the LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent medley, I think I shed a tear while they were playing that, it was truly beautiful.

Chester talking to me in this picture omg
I’m the smallest one there lol
Anyhow, on with the concert review! AFI was really great, everything Chester says about them is true, they’re a great live act and bring a lot of energy to the crowd they were exceptional. At one point during their performance Davey walked over each seat while singing with the crowd which was really cool and then he walked past me to get to the stage! I have a video but here some pictures instead…
West Palm Beach, FL (08/08/2014) by Sam Fern
West Palm Beach, FL (08/08/2014) by Sam Fern
West Palm Beach, FL (08/08/2014) by Sam Fern
After AFI, Thirty Seconds To Mars played, and man they gave a hell of a performance, there was confetti, huge ass balloons, flags, and a lady on stage with a dog. Jared looked like a frickin God. He also sang amazingly well, as always! And at one point he stopped in the middle of a song to tell someone who was sitting to “Stand your lazy ass up and jump with us, you can sit and text all day tomorrow” In a playful but serious tone, which was pretty funny…
West Palm Beach, FL (08/08/2014) by Sam Fern
West Palm Beach, FL (08/08/2014) by Sam Fern
West Palm Beach, FL (08/08/2014) by Sam Fern
And after 30stm finished we waited pretty long to see LP, some people were chanting “LINKIN PARK LINKIN PARK” and others were booing. And then all the lights went out (here’s a video on my blog of the show starting) and I literally started freaking the fuck out (even though two days ago I met them and saw them rehearse up close like I mentioned before). Chester after two songs I think, I don’t remember but he apologized and said “Thank you guys for waiting so long, we have a good reason but I’m not gonna burden you guys with it now”
And let me tell you they gave such a great ass performance, I mean great isn’t even the right word to describe how amazing their performance was. I was singing every song, every lyric, one song after the other. And Final Masquerade sounded practically better live, that was so beautiful, I almost cried, Chester’s voice is so amazing, I cant stress this enough.
After the encore break the two guys guarding the pit, came to me and told me I could go in because they saw me singing like every song and saw me so exited over them. I was closer than ever then, that really made my night, I was just as close to them as when I saw them rehearse. When they sang Crawling I teared up a bit because I love that song so much + the video, don’t even get me started, and I don’t know but they don’t normally sing that song… I guess that’s why I got so emotional.
When they finished the show, Mike looked like he was helping Chester back stage which I thought was really cute but at the same time I wanted to know what was going on and when I got home and found out it was because he hurt his back I felt so bad and I guess that was the reason why he didn’t move around the stage a lot, but that didn’t affect his singing at all. I took more videos (Here’s a video I took of them playing rebellion I posted on my blog) than actual photos but here are like two, all the other pictures are crappy…
the LED screen things were so cool, later on i’ll post a video or gifs even of Joe’s performance which was really cool also because of everything going on in the screens.
Lmao at Mike
So yeah all in all, Carnivores Tour is gonna kick everyone’s ass, Even if I had to wait 2 more hours to see LP, it was all worth it, they gave a great show and so did all the other bands. 10 out of 10 stars. Enjoy yourselves out there guys.
LPFC NOTE: We still need reviewers! More HERE!